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Staying Safe at Home

If you or your loved one has made the decision to age gracefully at home, kudos to you! There are a few things to consider once this verdict has been reached, one is safety in the home. We wanted to share a few tips that can be very useful when remaining at home during the…

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Taking Care of Seniors

Hello, We hope everyone has recovered from the most recent week of holiday celebration. Just a few words we wanted to share about an interesting article we came across. Getting old, it is a process. No matter who you are or where you come from, you are going to get old. It is a fact…

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Let’s Celebrate Seniors!

Hello Everyone, Welcome to our blog, thanks for visiting. We will be posting feelings, articles and hopefully some helpful and insightful information on a weekly basis. We hope you enjoy and get something out of it. Here we go. There are many perceptions of what it means to grow old. Some think of it as…

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