Moreana has been a caregiver with Georgetown Home Care for just under a year, but in that time she has proven her dedication to our clients and our staff. She is unbelievably dependable and willing to step in whenever and wherever she is needed. We are very fortunate to have her. We asked Moreana a few things about being a caregiver, here is a summary of what she said.
The most rewarding part of being a caregiver is the ability to make someone feel comfortable and at ease about their circumstances. It makes me happy to see that what I do motivates my clients to try harder to accomplish daily tasks. My clients are sweet and once you adapt and get to know them its great to see how the relationship builds. Being a caregiver can be hard a times, trying to manage different situations, personalities and challenges, but it is a rewarding job and I am happy to be part of the Georgetown Home Care family. Everyone at Georgetown Home Care is so nice and understanding, its a great company.
Congratulations Moreana!